Your business is worth too much not to secure it

We’re so serious about cybersecurity we let new clients try our security offering for free for 3 months

Invest in real security, not in cyber insurance premiums

Our cybersecurity service is designed to reduce cyber insurance premiums. As a result, in most cases this results in our clients securing their business for free. Our cybersecurity service adds layers of protection to your business which we view as a more prudent investment than higher cyber premiums.

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Cybersecurity Services

We know that security is all a matter of scale and the goals of your business. That’s why we offer multiple options for security assistance and management to suit what your specific needs are.

24/7/365 Security Operation Center (SOC)

Continuous Vulnerability Scanning

Penetration Testing

Multi-factor Authentication

Dark Web Monitoring

Employee Education & Social Engineering Simulations

X-Secure Complete

What’s included

  • Next generation antivirus
  • Managed Detection & Response (MDR)
  • Dark web credential scanning
  • Analytics-based email security
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Employee cybersecurity training
  • Regular phishing simulations
  • Security Information & Event Management (SIEM)
  • 24/7/365 Security Operations Center
  • Continuous Vulnerability Scanning
  • Annual 3rd party network penetration test

X-Secure Advanced

What’s included

  • Next generation antivirus
  • Managed Detection & Response (MDR)
  • Dark web credential scanning
  • Analytics-based email security
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Employee cybersecurity training
  • Regular phishing simulations

Two cybersecurity offerings, one for the masses and one for our regulated clients

Xpert’s security solution provides your business with tried-and-tested policies and procedures that empower your business while also managing inherent risk. You will have access to email security, regular dark web scans for company information, regular assessments and test to keep your security infrastructure active, and education and training to empower your staff with the knowledge to prevent cyberattacks.