With the ever-growing complexity of data and technology, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to effectively manage your IT support in-house. Many companies are now realizing the benefits of delegating these types of services to an outside source.
There are several important reasons why you should outsource your IT support.
Access to Experts
Outsourcing your IT means having access to a team of experts on a regular basis. Since technology is their core service, they keep their employees trained in the most current advancements. Most tech companies offer assistance 24/7 and agreements guaranteeing certain levels of service. Access to experts is usually only a text or phone call away.
With technology changing on a daily basis, it’s nearly impossible for most businesses to keep up. Forbes states that no matter what industry you’re in, your business must continue to implement technological advances in order to survive. An IT service can put into effect the latest technology almost immediately. This kind of support can actually help your business grow.
Related: What IT Support Looks Like Today
Refocus Priorities
Freeing up time, talent and resources allows you to completely focus on your business. Instead of spending time troubleshooting tech issues, your team can spend valuable time supporting and expanding your business. Focusing on your products or services is where your time and resources should be spent.
If you have your own tech people, you’ll have to spend time recruiting and training employees. Everything from human resources to marketing and finance will be stretched much thinner if you decide to build your own tech department.
Lower Costs
While it may initially seem more cost-effective to manage your IT internally, you’ll probably be amazed at how quickly expenses will add up. Equipment upgrades and regular maintenance can be costly.
Training employees will also take a chunk out of your budget, too.
There’s also the issue of finding space for a tech team or even a few employees. Finally, if a server goes down or you’re hacked, the time and money to restore your data and devices could potentially bankrupt your business. Many tech companies offer either a flat fee or a monthly payment plan. This way you’ll always know exactly what you’ll be spending.
Related: When to Look for an IT Support Specialist
Increase Security
Unless you’re running a tech company, it’s likely your in-house tech team won’t be able to protect your data like a professional service. Security breaches have been increasing at an astronomical rate, with hackers becoming more sophisticated. According to Security Magazine, an average company experiences 130 security breaches each year. Your company needs a continuous flow of intranet and internet; and outsourcing your IT will keep this area running smoothly.
Related: What You Need to Know About Phishing Attacks
Cybersecurity threats can create a high level of stress among your employees. Computer crashes, viruses and lost data not only produce excessive worry, but lost productivity when it actually occurs. When employees know that IT experts can be called on around the clock and that your systems are as secure as possible, there tends to be less anxiety and a more enjoyable work environment.
Disaster Recovery
In the case of a cyber-attack, a team of IT experts can help you recover as quickly as possible. Natural disasters can also mean a loss of data and computer downtime. A fire, flood or hurricane can leave you without power for days or even weeks.
CSO advises that a company doesn’t overlook the importance of the people and the processes involved during disaster recovery. It’s necessary to know exactly who will do what during and after a crisis. During any type of disaster, an experienced IT team can help you stay organized and get back on track as quickly as possible.
Outsource Your IT Support to the Xperts
Xpert Technologies has been providing experienced IT support and individualized solutions for over 20 years. Whether it’s a computer, cloud, phone or another tech issue, we can put together a comprehensive IT service plan that will cover all your company’s technology needs.
Contact us today for more information, or if you have any questions.