Ensure business continuity with our backup and data recovery services

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Some of the world’s most profitable businesses weren’t always profitable. Indeed, in 1985, Apple parted ways with its most innovative, creative mind – Steve Jobs – and quickly found itself in a world of trouble.

At the time of Jobs’ release – completely unbeknownst to the Apple Board of Directors – they were effectively eliminating their company’s single greatest asset. Jobs’ influence, drive, and passion for the innovations Apple provided its customers was unparalleled and, frankly, unmatched by any of his predecessors within his 12-year absence. Finally, in 1997, the Board realized Jobs’ value to the company and brought him back on-board, where he once again revitalized the company and made Apple into the powerhouse it is today.

As we mentioned, Apple’s greatest asset was Steve Jobs. For most small to medium-sized business – their greatest asset is their company data. It is the life’s blood of the business – keeping work flowing and business increasing. In fact, 72% of business owners say they could likely continue business operations if they retained their data, even after losing all other assets.

Can your company survive a 12-year lull without its greatest asset, as Apple did? With data recovery services, you’ll never have to find out.


72% of business owners say they could likely continue business operations if they retained their data, even after losing all other assets


You can’t afford data backup failure

Suppose you come into work one day, as usual – you turn on your computer, make yourself a cup of coffee, then sit down and click on your server drive to get to work on a big project. Instantly, you’re met with a “could not find drive” error.

frustrated person


You exhaust your personal IT knowledge in attempting to connect to the server to no avail. You then contact your current IT provider, who takes a look at your server, then delivers the bad news: it’s toast. Kaput. Post-mortem.

“But you have BDR, so you’re good,” they remind you.

That’s right! Your Backup and Disaster Recovery service! You immediately coordinate with your IT provider to begin restoring your data to a Cloud server to get you back to work. A few hours later, your IT provider deals you another blow:

“Well, backups are fickle; sometimes they fail for no good reason. That’s what’s happened to yours. I’m afraid most of your data is lost.”


“…when working on Toy Story 2, Pixar famously experienced a cataclysmic data loss… ”


Can your company survive this?

Your IT provider was right – backups can be fickle. Hence the reason the backups should be tested on a regular basis. When your data is backed-up, it shouldn’t be enough for the backup to complete – you should know each backup is viable.

When working on Toy Story 2, Pixar famously experienced a cataclysmic data loss which destroyed two full years of work. When they tried to restore from their (untested) backup source, it was only then they learned their backup had completely stopped working several months before. It was only by sheer luck that one employee happened to have a recent backup of the entire film at their home – thereby saving the entire production.

But most companies aren’t so lucky. If their backup source fails – and they need it  – they’re in a heap of trouble. It’s a gamble too many companies take.  34% of companies fail to test their backups, and of those that do, 77% have found backup failures. When it comes to your data, you don’t need simple data backups – you need assurances.


34% of companies fail to test their backups, and of those that do, 77% have found backup failures.


Are you backing-up frequently enough?

This is a no-brainer, but sadly, one to which many companies fall victim: your company experiences a data loss, and you have data backup in place. You ask your IT provider to restore the most recent backup – which they report was made over three weeks ago.

In today’s modern business practices, a complete data loss of three weeks’ worth of work is almost equivalent to a complete data loss. Even a week’s worth of work can equate to thousands of lost man-hours.

The solution to this is so simple: ensure your backups are performed daily. Many businesses assume their data is backed up each night and only discover otherwise when they need to recover data. In fact, statistically, only 10% of US businesses back up their data on a daily basis.

Your IT provider should know full-well how often you need to backup your data, whether it be weekly, daily, or even multiple times per day.


Only 10% of US businesses back up their data on a daily basis.


Keep going with a business continuity plan

If someone asks you if you have a business continuity plan in-place, your first inclination may be to respond affirmatively. “Oh yeah, we’ve got data backup. We’re covered.”

Are you? Are you really?

Let’s say you come into work tomorrow only to be greeted by a giant crater where your office had once been. Everyone is fine, but all of your computers, servers, furniture, everything – is gone.

Except your data. You’ve got data backup, remember?

But that immediately begs the question: “My data is safe, but where do I download it??” This is exactly the reason you need a business continuity plan. With a business continuity plan in place, you’ll have work continuation plans for every contingency – from simple equipment failure to that smoking crater that used to be your office. You’ll know what to do first, who to call, where to go, and when you’ll start working again. Your IT provider should be able to help create a comprehensive business continuity plan for your company and give you the peace of mind knowing your business can continue, regardless of any disaster.

Trust Xpert with your most important asset – your data

No business wants to be faced even with the possibility of losing their most important asset. In hindsight, Apple most likely would have liked to have avoided their 12-year slump and kept Steve Jobs on board.

Don’t look back on your company in hindsight. Be proactive and take the necessary steps to ensure your business will continue. At Xpert Technologies, we make certain each step is taken to keep you working – no matter what – with our xBackup solution. In addition, we can keep your technology running smoothly, make your data universally accessible to you, and consult you on how to take your company to the next level. Let’s talk about what Xpert can do for you.